Communication Art

Communication Art

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rationale of Blogs

            Chancing communications in a professional context would be risky:  each element of a written platform will communicate something to its reader.  A blog is no exception.  Whether it is color, content or captions, every aspect of a quality blog would be intentionally selected.  Readers gather overall impressions from the look and tone of a piece.  Viewers notice small details.  Conclusions about the blog are drawn from all aspects.  Purpose, design, content, and being conscious of the audience are all relevant to the creation of an excellent blog.
            A purpose statement is a first essential element to determine.  Colloquial wisdom such as “wherever you go, there you are” suggests that a person will communicate something, whether intentional or not; therefore, to be successful it is critical to first decide what the purpose is of the communication.  Is the purpose to persuade, to sell, or to educate?  Is it to inspire, to build confidence or to express one’s opinion regardless of how it is received?  As a person considers the finer points of these possible purpose areas, there are distinctions.  A blogger may have multiple purposes in mind.  It would be important to identify a primary purpose, or goal, so as to be able to select when choices emerge that would lead a person down differing paths.  This way, the primary objective is always served as the blog is designed and implemented. 
            Design follows purpose.  “Begin with the end in mind,” runs a second element of common sense.  Consider what elements of design would best convey the purpose.  For example, if the goal is to provide academic content to inform a reader, then the design could lead to the reader being able to search, access and digest large amounts of text or numbers of website links.  With the purpose being to impart knowledge, it would be essential that the design support the ability of the reader to access the content.  This would take primary importance in the design, and be more important than the variety of graphics or beauty of the color scheme.  However, a strong design will remain true to its purpose while also managing multiple design details well.  From the selection of color, to graphics that highlight key content or draw in a reader, to the font selection, details around the design are plentiful and should be considered.  In responding to a reader’s need for academic content, for example, a simple, predictable, easy to view design could be selected.  This way the design itself does not distract from the content, but supplements it by helping the reader find information.
            Choosing content carefully in a blog will help ensure its success.  A reader will return to a blog that reliably delivers the information or experience desired.  By focusing content in this manner trust will be built by readers.  Content will need to be focused, intentional with its communications, and interesting.  Content would ideally bring a fresh twist or new perspective to provide something unique.  Content can be provided in a variety of formats, which would help readers who learn in different styles.  For example content could be provided in an interactive framework, to help tactile readers:  questions could be posed to readers in the form of survey questions, and then readers could click on the answer to the question to learn the content piece intended.
            Audiences vary as widely as there are different types of people:  research about and loyalty to an audience will help a blog be successful.  Given the intended purpose of the blog, an author would learn as much as possible about the audience.  How does the audience like to receive information?  What is the audience’s purpose for viewing the blog?  What are the demographics of the audience and what would that tell the author about preferences?  It is important to find concrete ways to draw the reader into the blog and to return to the blog.  Including an email notification, so that a reader receives an email each time a blog is updated, is one method for helping drive returning readers back to a blog.  Remaining true to the purpose with consistent content is also essential; if the content and purpose are aligned with the audience, and then the blog is launched and remains consistent to the plan, it has a good chance of being successful.
            Like other communication forms, blogs provide a mechanism for a variety of communication goals.  Whether it is to personally express emotion or opinion, to sell a product or to build a grass roots political movement, blogs can be efficient and effective tools.  By carefully considering purpose, design, content and audience in a comprehensive communications or public relations strategy, the author can find success.           

Martin, M. (2010, June 26). 7 Elements to Make Your Blog Look Great. Pro Blog Design. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Wakeman, D. (2010, February 4). 7 Essential Design Elements for Great Business Blogs. Social Media Examiner. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from

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