Communication Art

Communication Art

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Makes a Good Blog

                 Like many media forms, a good blog will incorporate all important elements of a written communication piece.  While a blog is an emerging technology, the “tried and true” old-fashioned advice applies:  for example, in blogs and in communication historically, it is important to make a good first impression.  It is essential to know the audience.  Authors should provide a visually appealing presentation.  The author needs a mechanism to keep the reader returning.  The content needs to be interesting, easy to access, and relevant to the reader.  All of these elements of sound communication practice apply in the realm of social media formats including blogs.
            A good first impression, in a blog, begins with a graphic header.  A graphic header is commonly a horizontal box across the top of the page.  An effective graphic header will include the name of the blog, the author, a tagline, and clues as to the tone or style of the blog.  For example, Mari Smith provides a blog about Facebook which includes a sparkly, turquoise color element which provides a sense of the author’s personality (Wakeman, 2010).  The tagline provides a first opportunity to answer the central question as to why the reader should select this blog.  A tagline could be a provocative question, such as “Why Facebook?” or offer other information about the blog’s content.  Some blogs, such as provides the author’s name as its title.  This is also an option.
            Several blogs reviewed provide visually appealing design elements to provide a good first impression.  One student blog provided an example of matching design to intended audience; this person, Traci Fields, appeared to have had two distinct purposes or themes emerging in the design choice  This runs the risk of creating a confused first impression:  at the beginning it can be unclear as to the purpose of the site.  In addition, the reader may find an inconsistency on the site when having two types of information.  Consistency of information, which builds a trust through reliably delivering the content expected by the reader, is an important element of a successful blog.  An example of a consistently presented blog which makes a good impression can be found in Robyn Owen’s blog, at  This blog catches the eye as soon as the page opens.  There is a very impressive layout and color choice.  The blog makes a strong first impression.
            A strong blog needs to be able to know its audience and provide relevant content in an easily digestible format.  Elements that help a reader access information quickly include an “About Me” section, so that the reader can learn about the author easily.  Having a fair amount of white space enables the reader to find desired content, see headings and subheadings, and skim quickly to find desired information.  An example of a blog that does this well is Rosemary Austin’s, at  This is a blog that draws a person in with the first post, as the author articulates positive aspirations to be a writer.  It is uplifting. 
            To generate repeat business, by encouraging readers to return to the blog, is an additional central element.  One important way to do this is by having an email subscription form.  This option provides an email update to readers, which is a common way to remind a reader to return to the blog.  A second way is by having a variety of interactive options which readers enjoy and therefore make the blog stand out.  One blog that achieves this is Lydia Adeleke’s, at  This blog provides an impressive amount of content with a variety of interesting options.  The reader has the opportunity to participate by rating posts, taking a poll, and watching video, all of which are interesting features.
            Reviewing these elements of key blogs provides me with the realization that I have some key design flaws.  I intend to return to my blog to add some additional elements.  I plan to add video.  I will add my name, near my title, in more of a prominent way.  I see that I could add more content to provide more reason for my reader to come back.  I could also benefit from adding an email subscription form option to generate repeat readership.  All of these ideas would improve my blog both in content, visual appeal, and in readership generation.
            Blogs are a newly emerging strategy that builds upon sound communication methodology.  Through a visually appealing experience, a consistent delivery of information a readership desires and through quality communication a blog author would be able to communicate well with readers around the world.
Adeleke, L. (2011). Neecees Nuggets 123. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Austin, R. (2011). Speak it, Live it, Love it. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Fields, T. (2011). BeDazzle-Do-DIVA Club. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Hurff, S. (2011). Creative Communicator. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Martin, M. (2010, June 26). 7 Elements to Make Your Blog Look Great. Pro Blog Design. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Owen, R. (2011). Chalk Talk Interchange. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from
Wakeman, D. (2010, February 4). 7 Essential Design Elements for Great Business Blogs. Social Media Examiner. Retrieved February 13, 2011, from

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